Gantt Charts For Non-project Management Purposes

Webix JavaScript UI library
4 min readJul 14, 2023


Have you ever struggled to keep track of all your tasks and deadlines? Do you find yourself constantly forgetting what needs to be done next or when a certain project is due? Gantt charts may just be the solution you’ve been looking for!

While Gantt charts are traditionally used in project management to visualize timelines and schedules, they can also be incredibly useful for individuals or teams working on non-project related tasks. By breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps and assigning them specific deadlines, Gantt charts provide a clear path forward and help ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. In this article, we’ll explore how Gantt charts can benefit anyone, from busy professionals juggling multiple responsibilities to students trying to stay organized with their coursework.

Exploring non-project management applications of Gantt charts

Gantt charts are traditionally used in project management to illustrate the timeline and schedule of tasks and activities involved in a project. However, Gantt charts can also be used for non-project management purposes, such as:

Event planning:

  • Plan and manage events, such as conferences, weddings, or parties.
  • Schedule tasks such as booking venues, ordering catering, and sending invitations.

Product development:

  • Development of a new product, from the initial design phase to the final release.
  • Schedule tasks such as product design, prototyping, testing, and marketing.

Marketing campaigns:

  • Manage marketing campaigns, such as advertising or social media campaigns.
  • Schedule tasks such as creating marketing materials, launching campaigns, and monitoring results.

Academic research:

  • Plan academic research projects, from the initial literature review to data collection and analysis.
  • Schedule tasks such as conducting experiments, analyzing data, and writing up results.

Personal goal tracking:

  • Visualize and track personal goals, such as fitness, education, or career plans.

Budget planning:

  • Manage budgets, track expenses, and plan for financial goals.

Webix Gantt Chart: perfect tool for planning tasks and non-project management purposes

Webix Gantt Chart is a JavaScript library that enables you to create interactive and customizable Gantt charts for your web applications. Gantt charts are a type of bar chart that display a project schedule or timeline, showing the start and end dates of individual tasks or activities, as well as their duration and dependencies.

Webix Gantt Chart is built on top of the Webix UI library, which provides a rich set of UI components and widgets, making it easy to create modern and responsive user interfaces. With Webix Gantt Chart, you can create Gantt charts that are responsive, mobile-friendly, and have a sleek and modern design.

Some of the key features of Webix Gantt Chart include:

▹ Customizable chart elements such as tasks, task bars, milestones, and dependencies, to match your application’s design and branding.
▹ Interactive editing of tasks and dependencies directly in the Gantt chart, making it easy for users to update the project schedule.
▹ Assigning resources, such as people or equipment, to tasks, and manage their availability and workload.
▹ Customizing the timescale of the Gantt chart to display days, weeks, months, or years, and also set the start and end dates of the chart.
▹ Export the Gantt chart to various formats, such as PDF, PNG, and Excel, and also import data from external sources, such as JSON and CSV.

Tips for creating effective Gantt charts for non-project management purposes

The first step is to define the timeline of your project. In Webix Gantt Chart, you can define the start and end dates of your project, as well as the timeline units (days, weeks, months, etc.).

Next, create tasks that need to be completed in your project. In Webix Gantt Chart, you can create tasks by adding rows to the chart and specifying the start and end dates of each task.

If your tasks have dependencies on other tasks, you can add dependencies between them in Webix Gantt Chart. This will help you visualize the critical path of your project and ensure that tasks are completed in the correct order.

You can customize the chart to suit your specific needs. For example, you can change the colors and styles of the chart elements, add custom labels and tooltips, and change the layout of the chart.

Finally, you can add data to the chart, such as resource information, cost information, and progress information. This will help you track the progress of your project and make adjustments as needed.


Gantt charts are versatile tools that can be used beyond the scope of project management. By understanding their basics and exploring non-project management applications, individuals and businesses alike can benefit from visualizing timelines and progress. Whether it’s tracking personal goals or managing marketing campaigns, Gantt charts provide a clear overview of tasks and deadlines.



Webix JavaScript UI library

#JavaScript UI library for #cross-platform #web app development with 100+ #UI widgets and fully-featured #CSS / #HTML5 JavaScript controls.