Integration of Webix JavaScript UI Library with Third-Party Components

Webix JavaScript UI library
4 min readNov 9, 2023


Webix is a versatile and professional JavaScript library that offers a wide range of UI components for developing robust web applications. While Webix provides an extensive set of built-in features, it also allows seamless integration with various third-party components, such as text editors, charts, and maps. In this article, we will explore the integration capabilities of Webix with these third-party components, enabling developers to enhance their applications with additional functionality and customization options.

Text Editor Integration

Webix focuses on the development of business web applications, and doesn’t include rich text editors by default. However, it offers the ability to integrate popular third-party text editors into Webix applications using its own components.

Ace Text Editor

With its powerful editing capabilities and syntax highlighting, Ace Text Editor can be seamlessly integrated into Webix applications. Developers can utilize Ace Text Editor’s features for code editing and content manipulation within their Webix-based solutions.

NicEdit Text Editor

NicEdit Text Editor provides a lightweight and easy-to-use interface for rich text editing. By integrating NicEdit with Webix, developers can enable users to create and format text content effortlessly.

TinyMCE 4/5 Text Editor

TinyMCE is a popular WYSIWYG text editor offering a wide range of formatting options. Webix allows smooth integration with both TinyMCE version 4 and version 5, enabling developers to incorporate advanced text editing capabilities seamlessly.

CodeMirror Text Editor

CodeMirror is a versatile and highly customizable text editor suitable for various programming languages. By integrating CodeMirror with Webix, developers can enhance their applications with a powerful code editing environment.

CKEditor 4/5 Text Editor

CKEditor is a widely-used text editor with an extensive set of features. Webix supports the integration of both CKEditor version 4 and version 5, enabling developers to embed CKEditor seamlessly into their Webix applications.

Check the documentation about text editor integration.

Chart Integration

While Webix provides a collection of built-in charts for data visualization, it also allows integration with third-party charting libraries for more specific and complex charting requirements.

D3 Charts

D3.js is a powerful JavaScript library for creating dynamic and interactive data visualizations. By integrating D3 charts with Webix, developers can leverage the vast capabilities of D3.js for crafting highly customized and visually stunning charts.


Highcharts is a popular charting library known for its extensive range of chart types and interactive features. Webix enables seamless integration with Highcharts, allowing developers to create visually appealing and interactive charts within their Webix applications.


FusionCharts is a comprehensive charting library offering a wide variety of chart types and extensive customization options. By integrating FusionCharts with Webix, developers can enhance their applications with feature-rich and visually appealing charts.

Sigma Charts

Sigma.js is a lightweight JavaScript library for drawing graphs and networks. Webix allows integration with Sigma Charts, enabling developers to create and visualize complex network diagrams and graphs effortlessly.

JustGage Gauges

JustGage is a simple and flexible gauge library for creating dynamic gauges and meters. Integrating JustGage with Webix enables developers to incorporate visually appealing gauges and meters into their applications.

Find more information about JavaScript chart integration here.

Maps Integration

Webix provides basic location search functions, and it also offers seamless integration with popular map providers, allowing developers to embed interactive geographical maps into their applications.

Google Maps

Developers can leverage Webix’s integration with Google Maps to incorporate interactive maps, markers, and geolocation services into their applications.

Yandex Maps

Yandex Maps integration enables developers to embed Yandex maps and utilize geolocation services within their Webix applications.


With Webix’s integration with OpenStreetMap, developers can display OpenStreetMap tiles, markers, and other map-related functionalities within their applications.


Webix’s integration with HERE Maps allows developers to embed HERE maps and utilize various map-related features, including geocoding and routing services.

Read the documentation about the integration with maps from different providers.


Webix JavaScript UI library offers seamless integration capabilities with third-party components, including text editors, charts, and maps. By integrating these components into Webix applications, developers can enhance their applications with advanced text editing capabilities, interactive and visually appealing charts, and interactive geographical maps. The integration options provided by Webix empower developers to create highly customized and feature-rich web applications that meet their specific requirements and provide an exceptional user experience.



Webix JavaScript UI library
Webix JavaScript UI library

Written by Webix JavaScript UI library

#JavaScript UI library for #cross-platform #web app development with 100+ #UI widgets and fully-featured #CSS / #HTML5 JavaScript controls.

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